
All citizens’ moral obligations to support India’s unity and advance patriotism are known as “fundamental duties.” Both individuals and the country are affected by these obligations outlined in Part IV-A of the Constitution.

Incorporation of Fundamental Duties

  • The Russian Constitution, the former Soviet Union, served as the model for the concept of Fundamental Duties.
  • Based on the Swaran Singh Committee’s recommendations, these were added to Part IV-A of the Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976.
  • The 86th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2002 increased the number of duties from 10 to 11 by adding one.
  • Article 51-A of the Constitution, the only article in Part-IV-A, lists all eleven obligations.
  • Fundamental obligations are not subject to the Court’s jurisdiction, just like the Directive Principles of State Policy.

Listed Fundamental Duties

  • To uphold the Constitution’s principles, institutions, the National Anthem, National Flag, and other symbols,
  • To respect and uphold the admirable ideals that inspired the nation’s struggle for freedom,
  • India’s sovereignty, unification, and integrity must be upheld and protected.
  • Defending the nation and performing national service when required
  • In order to foster peace and a sense of brotherhood among all Indians, transcending differences in language, religion, and regional or social groupings, and renounce practices that are disrespectful to women’s dignity,
  • The rich cultural heritage of the nation’s diverse cultures must be valued and preserved.
  • Having compassion for all living things, protecting and enhancing the natural environment, which includes forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife,
  • To foster a scientific mindset, humanism, and the spirit of reform,
  • To protect public property and abstain from violence,
  • To pursue excellence in all areas of personal and societal endeavour in order for the country to progressively reach greater heights of endeavour and success,
  • Right to education, 86th constitutional amendment act, 2002, gives every child (age between six and fourteen) the right to gain knowledge.

Significance of Fundamental Duties

  • Never-ending Reminder of Democratic Conduct
    • The idea behind Fundamental Duties is to serve as a constant reminder to every citizen that, in addition to the fundamental rights that the Constitution expressly grants them, citizens are also expected to uphold specific fundamental standards of democratic behaviour.
  • Recommendations Against Anti-Social Behavior:
    • They act as a deterrent to the populace against anti-social behaviours that defame the country, such as burning the flag, destroying public property, or upsetting the peace.
  • Sensibility to Order and Commitment:
    • These assist in fostering a sense of discipline and loyalty to the nation.
    • By involving citizens actively rather than just as spectators, they assist in achieving national goals.
  • Aid in Determining a Law’s Constitutionality:
    • It supports the Court’s analysis of the law’s constitutionality.
    • When challenged in Court for its constitutional validity, a law passed by the legislature, for instance, would be deemed reasonable if it upheld a Fundamental Duty.

Supreme Court’s Stand on Fundamental Duties

  • According to the Ranganath Mishra ruling from the Supreme Court in 2003, social sanctions should also be used to enforce fundamental duties.
  • The Supreme Court determined that fundamental obligations are just as significant as fundamental rights in the case of AIIMS Students Union v. AIIMS 2001.
  • Fundamental obligations cannot be disregarded as obligations under Part IV A, even though they are not enforceable like fundamental rights.
  • In Part III, they are preceded by the same word fundamental that the founding fathers of the Constitution prefixed to the word “right.”